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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This site is part of a network. This is called the 'Klearning Network', and if you would like to use the network here are the sites!

The Klearning Network:

More sites will be added as the network grows, we are hoping the entire network to be completly done by spring or early summer.

Gradebook Design[if you follow this blog please comment- POSITIVE only unless you think we should had something]

Student Name| Attendance| Assignment| Homework| Behavior| Grade| 
Attendance Symbols: 
A- absent
T- tardy
*- present
O- office/ TAC/nurse
E- early dismissal 
C- with another teacher or staff member
Behavior Symbols:
I- needs improvement
K- meets standards
Homework Symbols:
M-missing in class, but have it
;-half credit
/-don't have it at all

Monday, January 31, 2011

assignment list

Keeping track of assignments is important, that way you know what you've done and haven't.


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